General Conference Updates

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Theological Statement of First United Methodist Church of Lexington

If you have questions please take a moment to read our Definitions and Frequently Asked Questions post. If you still have questions please feel free to contact our pastoral team here.

Listen to the latest episode from our Leadership Podcast. For more information on FUMC Leaders click here.


May 26, 2022

By First Church | May 31, 2022 | 1 Comment

General Conference Updates May 26, 2022 For this week’s General Conference update let us encourage you to take a deep breath, enjoy this beautiful weather, and make sure you have propane for your grill this weekend! We aren’t going to hit you with any new information! It is a catch up week. Here is a … Read more

May 18, 2022

By First Church | May 18, 2022 | Comments Off on May 18, 2022

General Conference Updates May 18, 2022 Greetings everyone! A new episode of the First UMC Leadership podcast is now ready and available. Because you have expressed an interest to be kept up to date on General Conference 2024 news, we will alert you each time a new episode is available. It can be found here and … Read more

May 11, 2022

By First Church | May 11, 2022 | Comments Off on May 11, 2022

General Conference Updates May 11, 2022 As Todd mentions in the video, the Judicial Council just released their ruling about Annual Conferences voting to separate from the United Methodist Church. The news release from the Kentucky Annual Conference can be found here and the full decision from the Judicial Council can be found here. A written … Read more

May 4, 2022

By First Church | May 4, 2022 | Comments Off on May 4, 2022

General Conference Updates May 4, 2022 Greetings Everyone! The first episode of season four of the Leaders Podcast is now ready and available. Because you have expressed an interest to be kept up to date on General Conference 2024 news we will alert you each time a new episode is available. In this episode we … Read more

Definitions and Frequently Asked Questions

By First Church | May 1, 2022 | Comments Off on Definitions and Frequently Asked Questions

General Conference Updates Definitions and Frequently Asked Questions What is a General Conference? The United Methodist Church (UMC) began in 1968 as a result of a merger between the Methodist Episcopal Church and the Evangelical United Brethren Church. Our governing body is called the General Conference and it meets every four years. Think of it … Read more

Listen to the latest episode from our Leadership Podcast. For more information on FUMC Leaders click here.