How we Budget

Finance FAQ

When I make a contribution to the budget, how does the church use those funds?When I make a contribution to the budget, how does the church use those funds?

  • 50% stays with your worshiping community (Downtown, Andover, Offerings)
  • 25% goes to church-wide needs (church-wide staffing, insurance, printing/copying, van maintenance and more)
  • 11% goes to the Kentucky United Methodist Church to support inter-connectional ministries (Aldersgate Camp, Wesley Foundations, new church starts and global evangelism and outreach)
  • 10% goes immediately to our Missions fund, to serve and support others
  • 4% goes towards investing in both lay and clergy leadership and funding new communities of First UMC

What about capital projects?

Every dollar you give to a special offering designated for capital projects – 100% – goes to that project.

What about restricted contributions?

  • To Announced Special Offerings (disaster relief and special annual offerings for Kentucky Methodist Children’s Homes, Wesley Village, UMCOR): When you give to an announced special offering, 100% of your contribution goes directly to that cause.
  • To Budget-Supported Ministries: If the contribution is less than $1,000, our policy is to accept that donation into the regular budget. If the contribution is at least $1,000, we accept that as outside and above our budget support, and 100% goes to the area designated.

How are Missions Funds used?

As we work to make disciples across the street and around the world, our missions partnerships connect us to people we would not be able to serve alone. We maintain ongoing relationships with our partners and, in as many instances as possible, include opportunities for our members to be directly involved. Our whole-church Missions funds support High Street Neighborhood Center and maintaining the Guest House. In addition, each community has partnerships with other groups, in Lexington and beyond.

How can I obtain more information about budgeting and finances?

If you have questions, please just let us know. For questions specific to your contributions, please contact Ryan Barr, Treasurer. For questions about the budget or financial standing, please contact Jennifer Gibson, Church Administrator, or Ryan Barr, Treasurer.